Tony Miano - Cross Encounters & Director of Ambassadors' Alliance 2007-2012 Way of the Master
I purchased my Prayer Stand during the Summer of 2011. From the moment I took it out of the bag and used it for the first time, I was convinced it would forever be an essential piece in my evangelism arsenal. The Prayer Stand is well-constructed with quality materials, and was obviously designed by an evangelist for evangelists. Set-up and take-down is extremely easy. The unit is very compact for its overall size, and easily fits in the trunk of my compact car.
I've used the Prayer Stand at community events, public parks, Hollywood Boulevard, Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, outside my local public library, at the North Hollywood Metro Station and, most recently, outside a local abortion clinic.
The Prayer Stand, in every environment in which I have used it, has been a remarkable ice-breaker. The fish literally jump into the boat, as evangelists like to say. People of every stripe willingly approach and initiate conversation. I have had many opportunities to not only pray for people, but to also share the gospel with them—opportunities that likely would not have presented themselves had I not had the Prayer Stand.
I highly recommend churches, evangelism teams, evangelists, and those ministering outside abortion clinics to purchase a Prayer Stand, today. I will not part with mine. -Tony Miano.

Rodney Keister - Founder of Evangelism Mission, Mifflinburg PA
In the nearly six years I’ve been doing street evangelism I have found the Prayer Stand to be one of the most useful tools to reach out to those on populated city streets and at public events. While crowds and types of people you minister to are from a broad spectrum of backgrounds, the Prayer Stand brings neutrality to outreach and makes the ground level to open hearts from almost any background.
Many people will easily accept prayer evangelism over street preaching, sketch chart, and demonstrations because of its noninvasive caring method, thus creating a level means of outreach producing deeper results and wider acceptability. Typically once you pray with someone they are more open to hear the full Gospel message that you can build right from within their very own prayer request you just prayed about.
While I do various types of street evangelism including street preaching, I find Prayer Stand evangelism to be the most effective and my favorite choice of tools to get the great commission accomplished. I highly recommend one for every evangelism team in every church or mission organization.” -Rodney Keister, Founder of Evangelism Mission. -Rodney Keister

Jenifer Pepling - President of Change Collegian Network, South Orange NJ
The Prayer Stand is an awesome tool. The people that come over to the Prayer Stand are interested in the things of God. The Prayer Stand is a great opening for explaining the gospel. The Prayer Stand brings people to you to talk. You are able to minister to the hurting and share the gospel with those that are open.
The stand is sturdy and lasts for years. CCN has had one for years and it is still in the same condition as when we purchased it. The Prayer Stand is a great investment. - Jenifer Pepling

David Seeley - Pastor Pilgrim Nazarene Church, Indianapolis IN
The Prayer Stand is a powerful evangelism tool to point needy hearts to the Lord.
In some ways using a Prayer Stand is like taking your church altar out into the street. Like the parable of the sower scattering seed, much seed will fall on the wayside, stony, or thorny ground. Some seed will fall on good ground. It is for these hearts that it is important to have a good follow-up and discipleship program to integrate these seekers into the local congregation.
Be prepared! Bringing new people into the church through the Prayer Stand will transform the church!

Rod & Rosie Grubb - Truth 4 Las Vegas, Las Vegas NV
My wife Rosie and I are the ministry leaders for an evangelism outreach ministry called Truth 4 Las Vegas here in Las Vegas. We, along with everyone who has seen our Prayer Stand, have been throughly impressed by it's visibility, portability, and high quality construction. We have utilized it on several different outreaches, so far, and it is exceeding our expectations. We also have the highest praise for Brother Tom Kiser, who has continued to partner with us to ensure our satisfaction with our Prayer Stand!
We debuted our Prayer Stand at a downtown Las Vegas food outreach for homeless folks on Fremont St. It quickly became the prayer focal point; something that had previously been missing at that outreach. We also set it up at a very busy monthly arts event called First Friday Las Vegas, that typically attracts over 20,000 people. Our Prayer Stand stood out amidst that busy crowd and allowed us to speak and pray with dozens of people! We see great potential for us to reach people at even busier locations such as the Fremont Street Experience and the Las Vegas "Strip"! Pray for our ministry and follow our outreaches at our website and on twitter. - Rod & Rosie Grubb

Carl Culotta - Raleigh NC
I thank GOD for you and really appreciate all the work you have done to improve the Prayer Stand. I have worked with the original "Prayer Station" in the past and do prefer to use the new Prayer Stand. It is so easy to use and transport. We have one here in Raleigh NC that we use for outreaches. We also were able to donate a Prayer Stand to our Missionary Team in NYC.
I feel every evangelism team should have a Prayer Stand, it is so easy to share the gospel when people pass by for prayer, and it is the best way to get new team members engaged directly with people.
There is no question it is a very powerful tool! - Carl Culotta

Bill Legg - Carolina Seed Sowers, Fayetteville NC
The Prayer Stand is very portable and once in place it is very visible. It is not an offensive way to witness, because just about everyone would like prayer. It is not like “Hell Fire and Brimstone” preaching.
Because the Prayer Stand is so mobile and easy to use and set up, I have many more “divine” witness encounters than I had before I bought the Prayer Stand. When my wife wants to shop for a couple of hours, I let her go into the store or mall shopping and I find a likely corner and set the Prayer Stand up while she shops. I have had some of my best witness encounters at these "spur of a moment” times that I set the Prayer Stand up. I am always wondering what, when, where and how God is going to use me when I have the Prayer Stand set up.
My thanks to Tom Kiser and his ministry, Tom has made many improvements to the Prayer Stand to make it more user friendly and more durable. I also own the original Prayer Station, which was a table with a large banner above the table, very bulky, and I have had the wind blow the table, my tracts and books all over the parking lot. I have had this new Prayer Stand set up in winds 20-25 mile an hour without any problems. This past Saturday I was using the Prayer Stand in winds over 10 MPH, I did not have any trouble with the Prayer Stand but had to anchor another canopy down so it would not walk away.
The Prayer Stand Ministry has been such a blessing to me, and the following testimony is just one of many.
It was a Tuesday morning; I had to take my friend Jay to his doctor’s appointment, which is normally two hours long. It’s almost a 30-minute drive to the doctor’s office, to far to drive back home and then go back to pick him up, so I decided to take the Prayer Stand with me and go to the County Courthouse.
I had not finished setting up before I had my first couple of people stop for prayer, they were going to court that day. While talking with them a car slowed down as it passed us, the guy driving gave us a hard look; he drove around the parking lot and came back to our location. He slowly got out of his car, looking at me from across the street, started not to stop and then turned to me. From across the driveway he said to me, “Hey mister I am a Christian but I don’t give much stock in this prayer business.” The ice was broken! I in turn said, “Do you have a prayer request, I would be glad to pray for you?” He kind of sheepishly said, “Well yes I do, but I don’t know if it will do any good, it might be too late.”
He came over and shared with me. He and his wife both claimed to be Christians and they were going into court to get a divorce and go their separate ways. They had been married 35 years. He wrote the request down on the prayer sheet and I prayed for them and wished him the best and told him that I would continue praying for them. He left me and went into the courthouse.
About an hour later he came to me and shared with me that he and his wife stood there in the courtroom looking at one another. As they looked at each other one of them said, "What are we doing here, are we going to throw away 35 years of marriage, this is foolish!" They never went before the judge, they just turned and walked out of the courtroom. The man was praising God for answered prayer.
During the hour that this man was in the courthouse, a lady came to me almost in tears. She said, “I saw your Prayer Stand when I drove into the parking lot and I just had to come over and ask for prayer.” I asked her what she needed prayer for and she said, “My husband and his girlfriend have brought me up on assault with a deadly weapons charge and I do not even own a gun, and would not know how to use one if I had one.” She then said, “I work for Lockheed-Martin with a Top Secret clearance and if this assault charge sticks I will loose my job.” So we prayed. She went to the courthouse and I continued to pray for her and with others that came by.
I had been there about two hours and I needed to leave to go pick up my friend from his doctor's appointment. I packed everything up, (I had also brought a folding table, some books and bibles and other materials.) I was unable to carry everything to my car so I thought, 'I will carry the table and other materials that will need to go into the car first.' I left behind the Prayer Stand because it goes in the car last. I got about 30 yards away and I heard, “Does this belong to you?” I said "yes it does." This lady picked up the Prayer Stand and carried it about 50 yards to my car for me. It was the Lockheed-Martin Lady; she said, “Guess what, the judge threw my case out. Never got to go before judge, lack of evidence, I am free to go. I will be keeping my job, thanks to the Lord. I am sure glad you were still out here because I just had to tell you that God answered your prayer today. I am so glad that you came to the courthouse today, what a blessing this ministry has been to me today!” - Bill Legg

Jeff Osberg - The Lord's Kerux, Wooster OH
I lead a ministry called the Lord's Kerux. We are an evangelism group that studies God's word weekly and goes out regularly sharing the gospel. We have many different places that we do this. One of our most fruitful outlets is when we use the Prayer Stand.
I was in an upper class thrift store here in town. I felt led to run the idea by the lady running the register. She got her manager, and I found out the the manager was a born again believer serving the Lord in many ways. She embraced the idea and we ended up doing a weekend outreach at that store. She called me back a few weeks later telling me that her customers were asking for the Prayer Stand people. She asked if we would be interested in doing another weekend outreach. I said yes, and we had another great time praying and sharing the gospel with many.
Well, about a month passed after that outreach, and yes I got another call from the same manager telling me that her customers were still asking for the Prayer Stand people. That was so encouraging to hear, but that wasn't the best news. It was the next question that really made me so happy. She asked me if we were interested in doing the Prayer Stand full time in her store. This was inside a retail store where people were shopping all around us. Of course as I was jumping for joy inside, but I was still trying to sound very professional on the outside. I told her I would pray about this and get back to her.
Unfortunately I was unable to commit to doing it full time due to not having enough laborers to help do this. However, I was able to commit to doing this once a month.
We have now been sharing the gospel and praying with people at the Prayer Stand for six years. There have been so many amazing stories, too many to go over in this letter. It has been one of our best outlets for getting the gospel out.
We have had Christians of many different ages working the Prayer Stand. This has been a great way to share the gospel for both our very outgoing Christians and our very shy Christians. I got married almost two years ago and have found this to be one of my favorite places to spend evangelizing with my wife. If you are looking for a ministry to do with your spouse, this is a great way to serve the Lord together.
We transition many ways from the prayer to the gospel. One of the common ways that we might use is a survey that we put together. Another easy way that we use to transition is to just simply ask the person after the prayer if they've ever heard a Biblical sharing of the gospel. Often they say no, and we ask if we can share and many times they say yes. There are many other ways that we use to share the gospel at the Prayer Stand as well.
We have also used the Prayer Stand in many other locations besides the store and have found it to be very effective. Probably one of our most interesting places was in the middle of a Muslim festival in Dearborn, MI.
I have had a few other businesses ask if we could run the Prayer Stand at their locations after hearing about how well it was doing at the business where we are now. I am hoping one day when I get more Christians to commit to this that we might be able to take on more stores!
I would recommend that if there are any Christians out there who are looking for a way to share the gospel that they definitely invest their money into getting a Prayer Stand. The value of a soul is worth more than all the wealth in the world. So many Christians are spending thousands of dollars on things and only being able to share the gospel with a few people. Our Prayer Stand has provided hundreds of opportunities to share the gospel over the years.
God bless your efforts in reaching the lost and glorifying our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. - Jeff Osberg